Written by:
Lin Wurzbacher
4/30/2011 4:44 PM
My family gave me a Kindle a few weeks ago as a birthday present. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it at first, being that the writer in me LOVES holding books in my hands! But truth be told, I quickly learned to LOVE my Kindle!
I love the fact that I can instantly download any book! And it's so easy to be reading 5 or 6 books at one time without cluttering up much space. I've downloaded about 10 church leader type books in the last few weeks and I'm absolutely thrilled to be absorbing so much great information.
My absolute favorite book so far is a book called "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. (Subtitle: What happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible.)
All I can say is, WOW, what an amazing book! It's a wonderful reminder of what it means to have a HUGE, God-sized faith and vision for what God can do with any of us, if we'll just believe God to do the impossible.
It makes me realize that I have drifted a bit from having giant, God-sized visions for the future. Don't get me wrong, I have continued to have really big hopes, dreams and expectations for all that God will do in my life and ministry in the future. He has already knocked my socks off more times than I can count.
But still, this book makes me realize that I've been allowing my dreams to shrink a bit lately. I've been getting comfortable. I've gotten way too okay with how things are in the present and I really have scaled back on how big I've dared to dream and reach up for the Kingdom of God. Time to change all that! Time to begin a page 23 vision! (You have to read the book to understand what that means!)
Time to start praying some "Sun standing still" kind of prayers. I feel God urging me to dream really, really big once again! We know He loves it when we ask Him for the impossible because that prayer will definitely require faith. I know I have my part to do and I must stretch myself greater than I ever have before, but I think I'm ready. I have been holding back. I see that now. I want to give Him everything I have, no regrets!
It's so exciting! I already feel something BIG is on it's way! I don't know what but I do know WHO is bringing it!
Easter Sunday was so totally amazing! There are no words to describe what I felt on Sunday. Only that God was as visible as I have ever seen Him, (and that's really visible). I had a bigger glimpse of Him than I've ever seen before. The feeling has continued to stay with me all week. I never want it to leave but I know I can't stay on the mountain top in this world for long. Time to roll up my sleeves and go back to the valley once again.
Reminds me of a song that spoke volumes to me right before I started BHCC. It was a song that expressed how I felt as I was leaving my last ministry position at my other church, a song about accepting how God moves us from place to place: Painting Pictures of Egypt
Here's a picture from last Sunday's Easter worship at BHCC: